Bethel Tabernacle

Welcome to Bethel Tabernacle

BG and Youth started again Sept 26
BG is full at this time, But Youth still has space.

Most Recent Sermon

In the Fall through Spring months we enjoy BG Club, Youth, Bible Study and other wonderful ministries and times with God.

In Summer God blesses us with amazing opportunities to bring God to our wonderful Community.  Through Elgin Days in July and VBS in August.

The Lord is so good and we look forward to seeing all that God is going to do in Elgin and surrounding area.

If you have any questions or are looking for any information about the programs and ministries offered here at Bethel please feel free to Contact us,

  Contact Us...

Box 213, 31 Water St.

Elgin, ON

K0G 1E0






An Overview of the week at Bethel...

Sunday Morning Worship Services begin @ 10:30 AM

             with Sunday School up to Grade 5


            - Young At Heart Fellowship @ 10:00 AM (2nd                                       Tuesday of the month at the church)

            - Good Food Box @ 10 am (3rd Tuesday of the Month)

 Wednesday   - Bible Study & Prayer @ 7:00 PM


             - Elgin Food Bank @ 10 :00 AM (2nd and 4th Thursdays)

            - Boys and Girls Club after school (During School Year)

             - Youth @ 5:30 PM Grade 6 and up.